Writing and publishing in English – steps towards an international academic career

Two persons sitting at a table, one writing in an notebook, the other handing a bowl with pins

This practice-oriented workshop is aimed at early career academics in the social sciences and humanities who wish to improve the quality of their English language scholarly writing and learn about the Anglo-American publishing culture.

The first day of the course will focus on the idiosyncrasies of English language academic writing in terms of both style and structure. The participants will learn how to strike a sound balance between necessary scientific complexity on the one hand and readability on the other. They will acquire various tools to improve the flow and overall quality of their writing. Including many real-life examples and practical exercises, this segment of the workshop will provide a highly useful set of guidelines, making the participants’ texts more likely to achieve publication.

On the second day, the workshop offers a condensed but comprehensive guide on how to get published once the writing is done, with a specific focus on the needs of junior authors. Focusing especially on journal submissions, this section is designed to give those unfamiliar with publishers and their decision-making processes a first orientation in this field, helping with informed decisions when choosing a publisher and preparing submissions.


Trainer: Jakob Horstmann


Image: pexels.com / Karolina Grabowska