Publishing in the English language academic market for non-native speakers

This course takes the outside view on academic publishing in the English language market. For non-native speakers, the Anglo-American publishing environment can be dauntingly different, as it functions according to culturally specific rules and market models that are not apparent to outsiders. Yet, for any international scholar publications in English language journals and books are a major stepping stone for a successful career.

The course is aimed at early- and mid-career academics of all faculties who wish to publish their work in English. It provides those unfamiliar with the particularities of UK and US publishers with all the information they need to confidently approach the press of their choice. Focusing on the practical steps involved, the course provides a concrete publication roadmap based on the participants’ actual projects.

What criteria do publishers apply when deciding for or against a proposed project? How do you find and approach the best journal for your article? What matters in book contract negotiations? How much support can you expect from your editor? These and many more questions will be addressed as part of the workshop.


  • What does it mean to publish ‘successfully’?
  • Planning your personal publication strategy
  • How to find the best publisher for your project
  • How to submit an article or book proposal
  • The Anglo-American publishing culture
  • Working with a publisher
  • Publication roadmap: What to do before, during and after publication
  • Alternative models: self-publishing, digital publishing, etc


Jakob Horstmann


Image: / Karolina Grabowska