Academic Publishing for Early Career Scholars

Female person pointing at white board and speaking.

This practice-oriented two-day workshop develops the foundations of a successful academic publishing strategy for early career scholars. The participants will learn how to assess their research in the context of the scientific publishing market and develop a publication strategy in line with their individual career goals.
The workshop covers a wide range of topics, from choosing the most appropriate publication format and applying the most salient selection criteria for target publishers to the management of review processes and self-marketing in an impact-oriented academic environment.
Further practical modules deal with the creation of optimized titles and abstracts for both books and journal articles as well as with the advantages and disadvantages of co-authorship. It also provides an overview of the most important aspects of plagiarism and usage rights, as relevant e.g. for the ‘recycling’ of dissertation chapters towards journal articles or contributions to edited collections. Finally, the importance of impact factors, Open Access and other facets of the digital dimension of academic publishing will be addressed.

Trainer: Jakob Horstmann


Foto: / Jason Goodman